Eline Keuning, CEO

People-oriented leader, strategic thinker focused on innovation

Knowing exactly what to focus on and getting the most out of it, that is what characterises Eline. After a bachelor Molecular Biology and a master Chemical Biology at the University of Groningen, Eline started her career at the Bioclear group as a consultant Biotechnology & Innovation.

Rob Elzinga, Consultant MIC and molecular biology

Practical and solution-oriented consultant

After studying biotechnology at NHL in Leeuwarden, Rob gained experience as a molecular biology project engineer at NHL and Alliance Technologies bv. He then joined Microbial Analysis, where he developed extensive knowledge as a microbiologist.

Elsemiek Croese, Senior expert microbiology

Critical and solution-oriented discussion partner and pragmatic planner

After obtaining a degree in Biology, Elsemiek obtained a PhD in Microbiology and worked as a researcher for Wetsus. In addition, she was a teacher at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and helped to develop teaching material. 

Reinoud Homan, Senior specialist molecular biology

Versatile, customer-oriented and pragmatic connector

Translating clients' challenges into pragmatic and manageable research and turning results into advice the client can use to move forward. That is what gives Reinoud satisfaction. 

Renske Veenendaal, Molecular biology analyst

Enthusiastic and practical worker in the lab and creative thinker

After studying Biology and Medical Laboratory Research with a minor in biotechnology, Renske gained a lot of experience with different types of molecular lab work at, among others, the UMCG (human genetics/cell biology), BiOrion Technologies and IMEnz Bioengineering.

Silke Douma, Molecular biology analyst

Result-oriented and reliable silent force in the lab

Silke studied Biotechnology at Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden with a specialisation in Biomedical Research and a minor in Human Health & Food.

Sjoerd Jan de Vries, Specialist microbiology

Practical no-nonsense researcher who likes to get to the bottom of things

Sjoerd Jan studied Biology with a master’s degree in Biomolecular Science at the University of Groningen. During his studies he did an internship at Bioclear earth and did research for the biopulping project.

Dianne Schootstra, Molecular Biology Analyst

A dedicated team player and connector at the lab

Dianne is a great team player and connector in the lab. She studied Biology and Medical Laboratory Research at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen and completed her graduate internship at the University of Groningen in the Nanomedicine and Drug Targeting department at the UMCG.